Marko Salapura’s exhibition XYZ is the first of upcoming events related to the 3M3 programme, aimed at research regarding terms and relations, symbiosis and juxtaposition of architecture and other related disciplines. In his work, Salapura brings the very context of the opening night to question, approaching the exhibition as if it were a project assignment. Regarding the premises of programme and space, the author of the exhibition promises to exhibit – programme and space.
/text by Natalija Paunić/
Inside a fifty centimetre deep field, there is a space for realization, for presenting prototypes and ideas. The ones who accept the proposal for delivering ideas sign an imaginary form in which they state that once they seize the moment, they will stick to the small promises they made. For me, this is the greatest value to the field – the ability to evoke commitment in those who work within its measures (shortly), to work well afterwards (eternally). At the opening, space itself is being exhibited and marked with a blue millimetre paper, which resembles an ever lifting curtain. The opening goes on and on. A few minutes, a day, a week? Too much? Too little?
/text by Marko Salapura/
Izložba XYZ Marka Salapure je prva u seriji izložbi programa 3M3 namenjenog istraživanjima pojmova i odnosa, simbioza i jukstapozicija arhitekture i disciplina s kojima je srodna. Salapura u svom radu problematizuje zatečeni kontekst večeri otvaranja, pristupajući izložbi kao projektnom zadatku. U odnosu na premise programa i prostora, autor obećava da će izložiti – program i prostor.
/tekst: Natalija Paunić/
Unutar polja dubokokg velikih pola metra, nalazi se prostor za realizaciju, za predstavljanje prototipa i ideja. Oni koji pristanu na izlaganje svojih ideja i prototipa obavezuju se da će, kada uhvate trenutak, morati da se drže svojih malih obecanja. Ovo je, za mene, njegova najveca vrednost, jer će obavezati one koji rade u njemu (kratko), da posle rade dobro (dugo). Na otvaranju, sam prostor je izložba, određena plavim milimetarskim papirom, zavesom koja se konstantno podiže. Otvaranje koje traje i traje. Pet minuta, dan, nedelju? Mnogo? Malo?
/tekst: Marko Salapura/