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3M3 3M3

I Am a Tyrant Ja sam tiranin

Authors Autori

Marija Iva Gocić and Boban Živanović Marija Iva Gocić i Boban Živanović

Project date Datum projekta

12 Mar 19 – 26 Mar 19

Project type Tip projekta

Exhibition Izložba

This is my space.
I gave myself the right to own it.
I own it.
I am a part of the collective thought.
I am a representative of the collective thought.
I am an artist.
I am a tyrant.
This is a movement.

I am a Tyrant is the materialized voice of an object in its surroundings. The object is treated as a part of a wider context of an immobile community that fights for its place. It corresponds to the functional needs of the present moment, simultaneously looking for its status in time. The city remembers the past and records it in layers. Karađorđeva Street has the immortal role of building, preserving, and deepening the local identity. In line with the burden it carries and immaterial values, today it serves as a critical mediator – a link between the place and the heterotopy.

/author’s text/


I Am a Tyrant exhibition is a part of the 3M3 Season 2019 | Tracing the milieu: What were you thinking? curated by Marija Bjelić

This is my space.
I gave myself the right to own it.
I own it.
I am a part of the collective thought.
I am a representative of the collective thought.
I am an artist.
I am a tyrant.
This is a movement.

Karađorđeva ulica ima besmrtnu ulogu izgradnje, očuvanja i produbljivanja lokalnog identiteta. U skladu sa bremenom koje nosi i nematerijalnim vrednostima, ona je danas kritički medijator – spona između mesta i nemesta.

Ja sam tiranin je materijalizovani glas jednog objekta u svom okruženju. Objekat je tretiran kao deo šireg konteksta nepokretne zajednice, koja se bori za svoje mesto. Ono odgovara funkcionalnim potrebama sadašnjeg trenutka, paralelno tražeći svoj status u vremenu. Mesto se seća prošlosti i slojevito je beleži.

U trenutku postavke – 12.03.2019. – predmet broji 516 listova 80 gramskog belog papira dimenzija 225 cm x 37 cm.

Ja sam tiranin je eksperiment koji prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost predmeta postavlja u vremenske i prostorne granice koje su umetniku zadate. Umetnik je proizveo predmet, a potom se oslobodio odgovornosti nad njim, predajući je tebi. Predmet reflektuje tvoj odnos prema njemu – ostavlja tragove na sebi i oko sebe. On dozvoljava, trpi i ponaša se u skladu sa uslovima u koje je gurnut.

/iz teksta autora/


Izložba Ja sam tiranin je deo 3M3 Sezone 2019 | Tracing the milieu: What were you thinking? čiji je tematski okvir postavila Marija Bjelić

Credits Hvala na saradnji

Curator: Marija Bjelić
Photos: Mina Piščević, Igor Milakov, Marija Bjelić
Kustoskinja: Marija Bjelić
Fotografije: Mina Piščević, Igor Milakov, Marija Bjelić