Dejan Todorović’s exhibition v0: oscillator is the first in the series of 3M3 exhibitions in the Kolektiv Gallery, framed with the theme “Tracing the Milieu – What were you thinking?” established by Marija Bjelić, curator of 2018/2019 season.
Nothing is mathematically denoted by zero, which is graphically represented by a void within a rounded space. Zero is the whole number that follows number -1 and precedes number 1.
This installation is a tool for testing the integrity and stability of the state of the displayed window in an environment that occasionally and temporarily destabilizes it. The zero-projected state of the metaphor is the realization of the initial creative idea, while each of the destabilizations is a consequence of the unpredictability of the context.
The goal is to initiate thoughts about change and constants; rest and movement; axes and oscillations; in architecture, or in some other area of interest of the observer/passer-by.
Every movement, flash, sun, cloud, reflection, or car’s lights give the image a new character.
Can it maintain its ‘zero condition’?
/excerpt from the author’s statement/
Dejan Todorović (1990) architect, completed his undergraduate and master studies in architecture at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade in 2014, and since 2015, he is a student of artistic Ph.D. studies at the Scenic Design at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad. During the academic season of 2017/18, he started a job as an assistant for a scientific field Architectural design at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade.
The focus of his artistic and scientific research is positioning in the border areas of architecture, stage, and visual arts and on their interweaving, both among themselves, and with other related discourses.
v0: oscilator Dejana Todorovića prva je u nizu 3M3 izložbi u izlogu galerije Kolektiv, uokvirenih temom “Tracing the milieu – What were you thinking?” (Tragovima miljea – O čemu ste mislili?) koju je postavila Marija Bjelić, kustos ove izlagačke sezone.
NIŠTA se matematički označava nulom, koja grafički predstavlja prazninu unutar zaokruženog prostora. Nula (ništica) je ceo broj koji sledi posle broja -1 a prethodi broju 1.
Projektovana instalacija alat je za ispitivanje integriteta i stabilnosti stanja prikazanog prizora u okruženju koje ga povremeno privremeno destabilizuje. Nulto projektovano stanje metafora je realizacije inicijalne stvaralačke zamisli, dok je svaka od destabilizacija posledica nepredvidivosti konteksta.
Cilj je iniciranje promišljanja o promeni i konstanti; mirovanju i pokretu; okosnici i oscilaciji; u arhitekturi, ili nekoj drugoj interesnoj sferi posmatrača/prolaznika.
Svaki pokret, bljesak, zrak sunca, oblak, odsjaj ili automobilski far prizoru daju nov karakter.
Može li on održati svoje nulto stanje?
/iz teksta autora/
Dejan Todorović (1990) mast. Inž. arh, završio je osnovne i master studije arhitekture na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Beogradu 2014. godine, a od 2015. godine student je umetničkih doktorskih studija Scenskog dizajna na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu. Školske 2017/18. godine započinje rad u zvanju asistenta za užu naučnu oblast Arhitektonsko projektovanje na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Beogradu.
Fokus umetničkog i naučnog istraživanja pozicionira na graničnim oblastima arhitekture, scenskih, i vizuelnih umetnosti, odnosno na njihovom preplitanju, kako među sobom – tako i sa drugim srodnim diskursima.