The project questions perceptual and environmental ‘flatness’ of synthetic materials in comparison to extremely thin, but highly expressive and performative biogenic ‘microcrusts’. These living, grown micro-crusts are highly ordered three-dimensional structures on a microscopic level. As such, they act not only as visual enhancers through lustrous appearance that changes with light and viewers movement, but as a living mediator between building tissue and the environment by capturing CO2. Through microbial colonisation, biomineralization and self-assembly of nanoscale building blocks the project aims to produce such biological micro-crusts in ecologically benign processes. Components exhibited are encrusted in living microbial colonies embedded in silica precipitated matrix and as such have a potential to actively engage in nitrogen, carbon and silica cycles, some of the most important element exchanges on our planet.
Nina Jotanovic is an architectural designer who works at the intersection of design, chemical and biochemical engineering, with an expertise in biomineralisation and the perceptual effects of materials that can be grown. Nina is currently an interdisciplinary design tutor at Bio-Integrated Design at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. She is investigating the growth of microscopically thin, yet three-dimensional, lustrous materials of biogenic origin as an EPSRC-funded PhD candidate at The Bartlett School of Architecture and The Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering at UCL. Her work has been published in Paisajes and exhibited at Construmat Barcelona, Biofabricate New York, and Open Cell London.
Projekat Biogena arhitektura dovodi u pitanje vizuelnu i ekološku inertnost sintetičkih materijala u arhitekturi u poređenju sa veoma tankim, ali izuzetno ekspresivnim i visoko performativnim biogenim ‘mikro-opnama’. Ove žive mikro-opne poseduju veoma jasnu hijerarhiju i trodimenzionalnost u mikro razmeri. Zbog takve strukture one doprinose ne samo vizuelnoj ekspresivnosti i stimulaciji kroz svoju interakciju sa svetlom, nego postaju i živi posrednik izmedju prirodne i građene sredine kroz apsorpciju ugljen-dioksida. Naizmeničnom mikrobiološkom kolonizacijom i biomineralizacijom projekat teži da proizvede ove funkcionalne mikro-opne ekološki bezbednim procesima. Izložene komponente su pokrivene mikroskopski tankom opnom koja se sastoji iz živih ćelija fotosintetskih mikroorganizama integrisanih u mineralni matriks, koja kao takva aktivno učestvuje u nekim od najvažnijih ciklusa razmene elemenata na našoj planeti.
Nina Jotanović je arhitektkinja koja radi na preseku dizajna, hemijskog i biohemijskog inženjeringa u oblasti biomineralizacije i perceptualnih efekata materijala koji nastaju dejstvom mikroorganizama i bioelemenata. Nina je trenutno interdisciplinarna tutorka na programu Bio-integrisani dizajn na Bartlett školi arhitekture u Londonu. Bavi se istraživanjem biogenih materijala, koji su mikroskopski tanki ali izuzetno trodimenzionalni, u okviru EPSRC stipendisanih doktorskih studija na Barltettu i Centru za prirodom inspirisan inženjering na UCL-u. Njen rad je objavljivan u časopisu Paisajes i izlagan u okviru izložbi Construmat Barselona, Biofabricate New York i Open Cell London.