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Event Događaji

Conference publique: Candilis-Josic-Woods Predavanje: Kandilis – Josić – Vuds

Event date Datum događaja

15 Dec 18 – 6:00 pm

Event type Tip događaja

Lecture Predavanje

The professional association Kolektiv Arhitekata, in cooperation with the Cultural Center of Serbia in Paris, presents the exhibition ’Candilis Josic Woods – Fifty years since the culminating 1968’. The exhibition accompanies the work of this important trio of architects, including Alexis Josic (Aljoša Josić), a French architect of Serbian origin.

Through a series of drawings, videos and projects’ plans realized between the years 1953 and 1968, the evolution of their office is followed – from the first urban housing projects to the development of the idea of the ‘ground-scraper’, which served as a basis for an important project of the Free University of Berlin, 1968. That year, at the peak of their creative energy, Candilis, Josic and Woods stopped collaborating and left behind an impressive opus of design and theoretical work in which they clearly appointed architecture as an instrument and a moderator of social relations.

​The year 1968 was also marked by a student agitation, including the students’ request for change of the traditional approach of studies at the School of Fine Arts. Students asked for an influx of the new ideas and among the carriers of these ideas were architects Candilis, Josic and Woods.

Udruženje Kolektiv Arhitekata, u saradnji sa Kulturnim centrom Srbije u Parizu, predstavlja izložbu „Kandilis Josić Vuds – pedeset godina od odlučujuće 1968“. Izložba prati rad ovog važnog arhitektonskog trija, čiji deo je bio i Aljoša Josić, francuski arhitekta srpskog porekla.

Kroz seriju crteža, videa i projektnih planova realizovanih između 1953. i 1968. godine, može se pratiti evolucija ovog biroa – od prvog urbanog projekta za stanovanje do razvoja ideje „ground-scraper“, koja je služila kao osnova za važan projekat Slobodnog berlinskog Univerziteta 1968. godine. Te godine, na vrhuncu njihove kreativne energije, Kandilis, Josić i Vuds prekidaju saradnju , li ostavljaju iza sebe impresivan opus u oblasti dizajna i teorijskog rada, kroz koji su jasno imenovali arhitekturu kao instrument i moderatora društvenih odnosa.

Ovu godinu su takođe obeležile studentske pobune, uključujući i studentski zahtev za promenom tradicionalnog  pristupa studijama u Školi Lepih Umetnosti. Studenti su zahtevali priliv novih ideja, a među nosiocima ovih ideja bile su arhitekte Kandilis, Josić i Vuds.