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Event Događaji

Ilka’s dream of chairs Ilkin san o stolicama

Event date Datum događaja

08 Dec 15 – 5:00 pm

Event type Tip događaja

Workshop Radionica

Within the Second Balkan architectural bienniale and the exhibition Basic Balkan Architecture, the Gallery Collective invited everyone interested to join an open workshop creating spatial installations of the winning work of the international competition Basic Balkan Architecture: “Ilka’s Dream of Chairs” by Christian Daschek (Austria) and Luis Pozo (Bolivia).Ilka’s dream of chairs is an installation consisting of a number of modular stools which together form a spatial installation.

Ilka’s chairs are a collage of the remains of wooden elements, each of which carries a different story about how and why has sometimes been used. Only when together, they form a stable chair with a new use. Chairs can be assembled on site by the visitors of the exhibition, in this way building a structure that is the combined effort and making the very process of work and creativity the focus of the exhibition. With the production of chairs as building elements of a larger spatial structure, the functionality of this installation can be extended beyond the period of the exhibition.

In Ilka’s vision of a city, residents are not just consumers but also actors who build, learn and teach, discuss and cooperate to jointly solve problems. Participation in the workshop was free, and, after the exhibition was closed, each participant was able to take the chair they built.

U okviru Drugog Balkanskog arhitektonskog bijenala i izložbe Basic Balkan Architecture, galerija Kolektiv pozvala je sve zainteresovane da se priključe otvorenoj radionici izrade prostorne instalacije pobedničkog rada internacionalnog konkursa Basic Balkan Architecture: „Ilka’s Dream of Chairs“, autora Christian Daschek (Austrija) i Luis Pozo (Bolivia).

Ilkin san o stolicama je instalacija koja se sastoji od mnoštva modularnih hoklica koje su skupa oblikuju prostornu instalaciju. Ilkine stolice su kolaž od ostataka drvenih elemenata, od kojih svaki nosi drugačiju priču o tome kako je i zašto nekada bio korišćen. Tek svi oni zajedno formiraju stabilnu stolicu sa novom svrhom korišćenja. Stolice se mogu sastavljati na licu mesta od strane posetilaca izložbe, na ovaj način gradeći strukturu koja nastaje zajedničkim trudom i čineći da se sam proces rada i stvaralaštva stavi u fokus izložbe. Proizvodnjom stolica kao građevinskih elemenata veće prostorne strukture, funkcionalnost ove instalacije može biti produžena i nakon perioda izložbe.

U Ilkinoj viziji stanovnici grada nisu samo potrošači već i akteri koji grade, uče i podučavaju, diskutuju i međusobno sarađuju kako bi zajednički rešavali probleme. Učešće je bilo besplatno, a svaki učesnik je mogao da nakon zatvaranja sa sobom ponese stolicu koju je napravio.