Kroz projekat 100 Houses, Irena Gajić se bavi istraživanjem arhitektonske forme. Proces stvaranja se oslanja na problem-solving u kom su problemi i rešenja nekonvencionalni. Autorka se u svom dizajnu koristi intuicijom, koju smatra veoma važnim metodom iz svake razmere, pa i arhitekture. U okviru programa 3M3 posetiocima se pruža prilika da pogledaju Irenin projekat uokviren ispitivanjem prelaska iz ilustracije u volumen.
Irena Gajić’s project, named 100 Houses, is based on analysis of architectural form. Her process of creation relies on problem solving, in which both problems and responses are unconventional. When designing, the author is guided by intuition, which she explains is an important method in every scale, therefore in architecture as well. As an exhibition included in 3M3 program, Irena’s project will be accompanied by a research on translation from illustration into volume.