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Event Događaji

#Reflecotgram #Reflekotgram

Event date Datum događaja

06 Dec 16 – 8:00 pm

Event type Tip događaja

Exhibition Izložba

Reflectography is a non invasive method of observing and examining paintings underneath of the layers of visible paint.

#Reflecotgram is a medium for detecting unprojected reality, its a medium for observing by looking outside of the physical layers of architecture.

​By translating the method of reflectography into the field of dimensive realtions and time change, the authors wanted to document the sequences of the new reality surrounding the projected architecture form.

The realtions and effects made by the presence of the installation in the found context are considered to be the new reality. These effects, nevermind their ephemerality, are, together with the physical effects, contructing a realistic image of the observed moment; the image is constantly changing, it is depended by the surroundings and its ability to interact.

The contoled form is a constant which receives a number ov new representations as a result of one cut through time.

The exhibition marks the opening of the second season of the 3M3 program, with the season theme: REFLECTIONS: Is it by mistake or design?

Reflektografija je neinvazivna metoda proučavanja slike gledanjem ispod vidljivih slojeva boje.

#Reflektogram je medij za detektovanje neprojektovane stvarnosti, odnosno medij za opažanje forme gledanjem izvan fizičkih slojeva arhitekture.

Prevodeći metod reflektografije u polje prostornih odnosa i vremenskih promena, autori žele da dokumentuju sekvence nove stvarnosti oko projektovane arhitektonske forme.Novom stvarnošću smatraju se relacije i efekti nastali prisustvom instalacije u zatečenom konteksu. Iako efemerni, zajedno sa fizičkim, ti efekti grade realnu sliku posmatranog trenutka; ta slika je promenljiva, uvek drugačija, zavisna od kondicije okruženja da ostvari interakciju. Kontrolisana forma je konstanta koja dobija niz novih reprezentacija kao rezultat jednog preseka kroz vreme.

​Ovom izložbom otvorena je nova, druga po redu, izlagačka sezona programa 3M3 pod tematskim okvirom REFLEKSIJE: Is it by mistake or design?