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Talk with architect Aleksandar Stjepanović Razgovor sa arhitektom Aleksandrom Stjepanovićem

Event date Datum događaja

14 Apr 16 – 7:00 pm

Event type Tip događaja

Lecture Predavanje

The first in a series of talks within programme Brutalism in Belgrade was with architect Aleksandar Stepanovic, one of the most relevant architects of brutalist period in Belgrade and from the second half of the 20th centery. The talk was held open for the public in the space of Collective. Gallery.

The main aim of the talk was to discuss specific architecural, idelogical and cultural aspects of Belgrade in the 70s and 80s, in relation/ contrast to nowdays, as well as to reflect on Brutalism today, from the perspective of an architect.

The talk was moderated by Pavle Stamenovic and organized by Zoran Dmitrovic and Natalia Paunic (Collective).

Prvi događaj u okviru programa Beogradski Brutalizam bio je razgovor sa arhitektom Aleksandrom Stjepanovićem, jednim od najvažnijih stvaralaca arhitekture iz druge polovine dvadesetog veka. Razgovor je održan otvoreno, za sve zainteresovane, u prostoru galerije Kolektiv.

Cilj razgovora bio je osvrt na projektantske, ideološke i kulturne aspekte u Beogradu 70ih i 80ih godina, u kontrastu sa današnjicom, kao i pogled na brutalizam u Beogradu, iz ugla jednog arhitekte.

Razgovor je održan u organizaciji galerije Kolektiv (Zoran Dmitrović, Natalija Paunić) i moderatora, Pavla Stamenovića.