The exhibition Candilis, Josic, Woods: Structuring the Common; Documents from the Josic Family Archive presents for the first time to the local audience the most important projects of the architectural trio Candilis, Josic, Woods, one of the crucial architectural practices of the 1950s and 1960s. The exhibition is principally based on the personal archive of the family of Alexis Josic (Aljoša Josić), an architect of Serbian origin, who accomplished his oeuvre in France, first in the ATBAT workshop, working together with Candilis and Woods, and then in his independent practice – the Atelier Josic.
The title of the exhibition refers to the ideas of the following generation of European architects of the 1950s, gathered around the group TEAM X (Team Ten), and their advocating a new discourse and criticizing canonized Modernism that could no longer tackle the problems of society at the time. These ideas indicated a departure from the modernist understanding of the concepts of architecture and urbanism; they sought to outline new paradigms through understanding of the concepts of living environment, wider human community and possibilities of applying different forms of organizing society – through the absence of hierarchy, the idea of time and space continuity, as well as through the possibility of change and growth of built structures.
Candilis, Josic and Woods were three authors of diverse cultural backgrounds and with different life experiences. Through joint work and practice, they succeeded in forging a creative amalgam which, during the short period of ten years of research and construction work, gave birth to significant works in architecture that still impress as accomplished utopias of the post-war generation.
With a series of documents and photographs, this exhibition is presenting the internal organization of this architectural group, based on “brotherhood and solidarity”, as Josic used to say, and not on economic-hierarchical principles, which have been to this day a common practice in architectural workshops.
Alexis Josic was recognized as an exceptional draughtsman, able to concretize projects and ideas conceived in collaboration with his colleagues through drawing. He absorbed this great gift and skill in the atelier of his father, the famous Serbian painter Mladen Josic. Alexis’s illustrations and drawings, showcased in this exhibition, clearly speak of his extraordinary gift.
The exhibition will also include the presentation of the book Georges Candilis, Alexis Josic, Shadrach Woods (Carnets d’architectes) by Bénédicte Chaljub, which is the first published work in the Serbian language covering the ideas and practices of the Candilis, Josic, Woods group. The book presentation will also be accompanied by a lecture the author Bénédicte Chaljub will deliver at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, as well as an expert guided tour through the exhibition.
The exhibition Candilis, Josic, Woods: Candilis, Josic, Woods: Structuring the Common; Documents from the Josic Family Archive is a continuation of the project which the association Kolektiv Arhitekata started with an exhibition at the Serbian Cultural Centre in Paris, in December 2018, when the project was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia.
Important note: Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, the grand opening of the exhibition is cancelled. You can visit the exhibition from November 2nd (from 7 pm) to November 26th 2020 at SASA Gallery of Science and Technology (Đure Jakšića 2). Working hours: Monday–Friday, 11 am – 7 pm; Sunday, 11 am – 3 pm. During the “Museum Night” manifestation (November 14th), the gallery will be open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. The maximum number of visitors in the gallery space at the same time is 5. Thank you for your understanding!
Izložba Kandilis, Josić, Vuds: strukture zajedničkog; Dokumenti iz arhive porodice Josić po prvi put domaćoj javnosti predstavlja najvažnije projekte arhitektonskog trija Candilis, Josic, Woods, jedne od najznačajnijih arhitektonskih praksi pedesetih i šezdesetih godina prošlog veka. Izložba se najvećim delom bazira na ličnoj arhivi porodice Aljoše Josića, arhitekte srpskog porekla koji je svoj stvaralački opus ostvario u Francuskoj kroz biro ATBAT, zajedničku praksu sa Kandilisom i Vudsom, a zatim i kroz samostalnu praksu – atelje Josić.
Naslov izložbe upućuje na ideje koje je nadolazeća generacija evropskih arhitekata okupljenih oko grupe TEAM X (Team Ten) pedesetih godina zastupala kao novi diskurs i kao kritiku kanonizovanog Modernizma koji više nije uspevao da se nosi sa problemima tadašnjeg društva. Te ideje su bile uzmicanje od modernističkog shvatanja pojmova arhitekture i urbanizma; težilo se definisanju novih paradigmi kroz razumevanje pojmova životnog okruženja, šire ljudske zajednice i mogućnosti drugačijih oblika organizovanja društva – kroz odsustvo hijerarhije, ideje kontinuiteta vremena i prostora, kao i kroz mogućnosti promena i rasta izgrađenih struktura.
Kandilis, Josić i Vuds bili su tri autora sa različitim kulturnim i životnim iskustvima. Kroz zajednički rad i praksu, uspeli su da stvore kreativni amalgam koji je tokom kratkog perioda od desetak godina istraživačkog i graditeljskog rada iznedrio značajna dela koja i danas deluju kao ostvarene utopije kojima je težila posleratna generacija.Nizom dokumenata i fotografija, izložba prikazuje i unutrašnju organizaciju ove arhitektonske grupe, zasnovanu na „bratstvu i solidarnosti“ kako je govorio Josić, a ne na ekonomsko-hijerarhijskim principima koji su bili, a i danas jesu, uobičajena praksa u arhitektonskim biroima.
Aljoša Josić bio je cenjen kao izuzetan crtač, sposoban da kroz crtež konkretizuje projekte i ideje nastale u zajedničkom radu. Ovaj svoj veliki dar i veštinu Aljoša je poneo iz ateljea svog oca, čuvenog srpskog slikara Mladena Josića. Aljošine ilustracije i crteži, prikazani u okviru ove izložbe, jasno govore o ovom nesvakidašnjem daru.
U okviru izložbe biće organizovana i promocija knjige autorke Bénédicte Chaljub Georges Candilis/Alexis Josic/Shadrach Woods (Carnets d’architectes), koja je prvo štampano delo na srpskom jeziku koje se bavi idejama i praksom grupe Kandilis, Josić, Vuds. U okviru promocije knjige održaće se i predavanje autorke Benedikt Šalžib na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Beogradu, kao i stručno vođenje kroz izložbu. Izložba Kandilis, Josić, Vuds: strukture zajedničkog; dokumenti iz arhive porodice Josić je nastavak rada koji je tim Kolektiva arhitekata započeo izložbom u Srpskom kulturnom centru u Parizu, u decembru 2018. godine, kada je projekat bio podržan od strane Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije.
Važna napomena: Zbog nepovoljne epidemiološke situacije, svečano otvaranje izložbe se otkazuje. Izložbu možete posetiti od 2. novembra (od 19h) do 26. novembra u Galeriji nauke i tehnike SANU (Đure Jakšića 2). Radno vreme galerije: radnim danima od 11 do 19h, subotom od 11 do 15h. Za vreme manifestacije “Noć muzeja” (14. novembra), galerija će biti otvorena od 11 do 20h. Maksimalan broj posetilaca koji istovremeno mogu da borave u prostoru galerije je 5. Hvala na razumevanju!