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Research programme Istraživački program

Talk with architect Zoran Abadić Razgovor sa arhitektom Zoranom Abadićem

Authors Autori

Zoran Abadić Zoran Abadić

Project date Datum projekta

29 Nov 16

Project type Tip projekta

Lecture Predavanje

PALACE OF JUSTICE 1961 1963 1969 1973/2003 2005/2012 2014/2016 . .

Zoran Abadić’s lecture, through a brief overview of events, starting from the construction in 1969 until the first reconstruction project in 2012, pointed out the fundamental features and peculiarities of the building, while presenting the basic elements of the solution for the upcoming improvement.

Although more than four decades have passed since the construction and formal protection, the building of the “Palace of Justice” has not come to be reconstructed until today. During the forty-three years of exploitation, numerous program and spatial deviations have slowed down the daily work activities that have brought the desired structure of the judicial system to the limit of endurance.

The building of judicial institutions “Palace of Justice”, the capital work of the author architect Zoran Žunković, professor architect Mihailo Živadinović and architect Božidar Simović, was erected in 1973 on the plot of the motor transport company “Lasta”, in Slobodana Penezića Street, based on the elaborated first-prize competition, today Savska street 17a in Belgrade.

The nine-storey multi-storey building, completely built of reinforced concrete, with a gross area of ​​almost 30,000.00 m2, was then the largest building in Yugoslavia intended for judicial institutions in Belgrade, and it is the same today.

(Google translate)

PALATA PRAVDE 1961 1963 1969 1973 / 2003 2005 / 2012 2014 / 2016 . . .

​Predavanje Zorana Abadića je kroz kratak pregled događaja, počev od  izgradnje 1969. godine sve do izrade prvog projekta rekonstrukcije 2012. godine, ukazalo na fundamentalne odlike i posebnosti zgrade, istovremeno predstavivši osnovne elemente rešenja predstojećeg unapređenja.

Iako je prošlo više od četiri decenije od izgradnje i formalne zaštite, zgrada “Palata pravde” sve do danas nije došla na red da bude rekonstruisana. Tokom četrdeset i tri  godine eksploatacije, brojne programske i prostorne devijacije usporile su svakodnevne radne aktivnosti koje su željeno ustrojstvo pravosudnog sistema dovele do granice izdržljivosti.

​Zgrada pravosudnih ustanova “Palata pravde”, kapitalno delo autora arhitekte Zorana Žunkovića, profesora arhitekte Mihaila Živadinovića i arhitekte Božidara Simovića, na osnovu razrađenog prvonagrađenog konkursnog idejnog arhitektonskog rešenja podignuta je 1973. godine na parceli autotransportnog preduzeća “Lasta” u ulici Slobodana Penezića, današnjoj Savskoj br.17a u Beogradu.

Višespratnica od devet spratova, u potpunosti izgrađena od armiranog betona, bruto površine od skoro 30.000,00 m2, predstavljala je tada najveću zgradu u Jugoslaviji namenjenu pravosudnim ustanovama u Beogradu, a tako je i danas.

Credits Hvala na saradnji

mr Zoran Abadić, d.i.a.
Docent na Departmanu za arhitekturu Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Beogradu

Pavle Stamenović i Zorica Savičić

Marija Piroški
mr Zoran Abadić, d.i.a.
Docent na Departmanu za arhitekturu Arhitektonskog fakulteta u Beogradu

Pavle Stamenović i Zorica Savičić

Marija Piroški

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